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For more than 30 years, Médecins du Monde, a campaigning medical organisation committed to international solidarity, has been caring for the most vulnerable populations at home and abroad. It has continued to highlight obstacles that exist in accessing health care and has secured sustainable improvements in health-for-all policies. Those working for this independent organisation do not solely dispense care and treatment but condemn violations of human dignity and rights and fight to improve matters for populations living in precarious situations. MdM currently works in 41 countries across all continents where it focuses on 4 priority areas: caring for the health of migrants and displaced persons, promoting sexual and reproductive health, combating HIV and reducing the harm and risks associated with drug use, crises and conflicts.
MdM has been working in Pakistan since 1996. The organization currently implements 3 projects.
A post emergency program focusing on access to primary health care for displaced and host populations of KPK Province.
MdM is operating in 4 districts of KPK (Kohat, Hangu, Tank and Peshawar) and implements both short-term and long-term response according to the needs and IDPs movements in the province. To do so, MDM liaise and work with health authorities and other NGO present in the area.
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Project.
MDM has been present in Punjab for more than 10 years, working on violence against women. During this time, it has implemented a project that supported Dar Ul Aman – shelter homes for women victims of violence. The project has been handed over to the government and civil society in May 2015.
Operation Sourire (Operation smile)
Following an exploratory mission that took place in May 2005, Operation Sourire programme was initiated for the first time in Pakistan in October 2005. The mission conducts plastic surgery operations for women victims of violence (mostly burns as results of acid) with the aim of recovering a certain physical mobility and functionality.


The General Coordinator co-designs MdM’s operational strategy in Pakistan (alongside with Desk and RMs), and provides leadership for the country mission. S/he is responsible for ensuring implementation of quality projects, external representation with other NGO, donor and governmental bodies, fundraising and budget management, security and operations management, and management of a motivated and professional team.
The General Coordinator reports directly to the Desk officer (based at HQ) and the RMs (board representatives for the projects : 2 persons for KPK and 1 person for Punjab).
  • Manages and supervises the coordination team; makes or approves management decisions on Pakistan mission; and is in charge of the quality of the working conditions of the entire Pakistan Mission
  • Responsible for planning the MDM Pakistan programmes; supervising their implementation in Punjab and KPK Provinces; defining priorities for coordination activities.
  • Responsible for the security / safety of people and property for the mission supervision and organisation of the implementation of safety rules and for ensuring that rules are applied. Passes information to Desk Officer regularly.
  • Responsible for raising funds in the field; guarantees the accomplishment of project objectives defined by the donors is fulfilled and that contractual obligations are respected.
  • Carries out negotiations and maintains regular relations with the Pakistani local authorities (Federal and provincial level) and other stakeholders (NGOs, Donors, Embassies), with the support of the KPK and Punjab Coordinators and ensures compliance with agreements and contracts.
  • S/He is responsible for communication with the head office of MDM; responsible for the quality of the reports on activities and ensures compliance with procedures for the exchange of information and reporting.


Status : Employee
Contract : Fixed-term contract
Duration : 12 months
Starting date : october 2015
Family posting possible


Professional Experience
Strong INGO experience as Head of mission/ Country Representative
Strong experience in representation
Preferable experience in health sector
Professional experience in Muslim context would be an asset
Preferable experience of security management in unsafe environments
Languages: Fluent English essential (partner, staff, and international community English-speaking, reporting)
Required Skills
Ability to socio-political analysis of regional context
Ability to listen, share decisions and to delegate
Strong skills in planning; Ability to manage priorities
Strong skills in management (especially Human Resources and Security)
Good knowledge of international donors
Impartiality ; diplomacy ; adaptability
Ability to synthesize
People skills / representation skills
You are committed to MdM’s values as an organisation and motivated by its non-statutory, NFP model.

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