N.G.O./Social Services
Total Position:
Job Type:
Special Services Agreement (SSA)
Job Location:
Doesn't Matter
Minimum Education:
Degree Title:
Advance degree preferably PhD in Nutrition, Public Health Nutrition or related field.
Career Level:
Minimum Experience:
15 Years(At least 15 years of experience in nutrition/public health related and inter-sectoral nutrition planning, policy and advisory services with inter-sectoral approaches preferably in the field of nutrition, food security and health.)
Salary Range:
PKR. 500,000 to 600,001/Month
Work Permit:
Apply By:
Oct 23, 2015
Posted On:
Oct 13, 2015
Job Description

Purpose of assignment:
Health, nutrition and population policies play a pivotal role in economic and human development and in poverty alleviation. Nutrition remains a key element in ensuring food security. Recent evidences suggest that Pakistan has some of the worst development indicators in the world. The Food Security study in Pakistan[1] also indicates that while 62% of the population is consuming less than the recommended quantity of protein per day (52 grams), this figures rises to 82.7% in FATA (Federally Administrated Tribal Areas). As per the National Nutrition Survey 2011, Pakistan is facing a silent crisis of malnutrition that is amongst the worst in the world and has not improved for decades; similarly, stunting rates are very high in rural areas and are at the highest level of 57.6% in FATA[2]. Recent multicluster assessment in the IDPs return areas of Khyber Agency in FATA revealed around 17.7% children are wasted. Under-nutrition is one of the main causes of death among infants and young children. Those who survive have less learning capacity that reduces their productivity at adulthood, which impact negatively on economy. Reversing adverse trends in nutrition needs appropriate policy direction, political commitment and a concerted effort from all sectors. Pakistan in general and FATA in particular faces many challenges in the formulation and implementation of nutrition policies/strategies and action plans that are holistic in approach to addressing nutrition issues.
Addressing malnutrition comprehensively remains a national challenge and immediate provincial responsibility. A substantial economic loss has been occurring on account of waste of human potential due to malnutrition and its implications. Whereas contrary, investment of only a small fraction of that amount would suffice to address malnutrition holistically. However, fragmented and piece meal intervention in the recent past have not been able to address the persistent level of malnutrition in the country and provinces. Traditionally nutrition has been viewed as a problem to be looked after only by the health sector. Conventional understanding about nutrition to be looked after by the health sector alone skewed the root cause focus of lack of food, clean water, sanitation, education etc. particularly effecting mothers and children. In process of revisiting the prevalent nutrition scenario, the planning and development department recognized the need for a long-term and multi-sectoral approach encompassing the immediate, underlying, and basic causes of malnutrition. The multisectoral strategy is looking beyond the health sector and capitalize on other sectors such as Education, Food & Agriculture, Water & Sanitation, Planning and Development, Finance, Social Protection, Social Welfare, and other coordinated and steered by an appropriate provincial level authority for a successful follow-up.
During the last couple of years, the political attention to nutrition increased. WB, with donor funds provided by the “South Asian Initiative for Food Insecurity and Nutrition’ (SAFANSI) provided support to the provinces of Punjab, Sindh, KP & Baluchistan for the formulation of brief nutrition policy notes. Those policy notes were basis for the federal level policy development and budget allocations. In addition, UNICEF provided support to provinces and regions to transfer the policy guidance notes into context specific strategies. Presently all the four provinces has endorsed Nutrition Policy and developed/approved strategy document.
1) Work Assignments, Deliverables & Payment Schedule:
Task to be Performed
1) Review the situation and available documents and planning materials relevant for inter-sectoral planning for FATA, prepare a work plan and a concept note outlining the skeleton of the nutrition policy and strategy for FATA. Main source of information are the minutes of previous workshops for the start-up of the inter-sectoral planning, National Nutrition Survey (NNS) findings and dissemination workshops findings, government’s relevant sector and multi-sector policies, strategies and programmes, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation reports
2) (a) Facilitate the formulation of high level multisectoral steering committee for nutrition under the chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary FATA, working in close coordination with FATA administration, in particular the department of planning and development under the leadership of secretary planning and development.
(b) Facilitate formulation and notification of the Technical Working Group at P&DD and Sectoral Working Groups of the relevant line departments including health, education, social welfare, agriculture, food, local government, public health engineering and industries
3) Facilitate adoption of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s nutrition policy guidance notes as per FATA nutrition situation and needs; through a consultative process involving relevant sectors and authorities.
4) Work in coordination with steering committee, technical working group and sectoral working groups of the relevant line departments to define and agree on the content and way forward in the finalization of their inter-sectoral nutrition strategy, operational plan and intervention package. Also hold stakeholder bi-lateral and multi-lateral meetings and one workshop with the above mentioned entities and a briefing with stakeholders, to agree on the:
(a) the package of interventions, consisting of high impact and inter-sectoral interventions of the five key sectors to contribute (agriculture, education, health, social welfare, water and sanitation), covering the three action areas described in the Pakistan Integrated Nutrition Strategy (direct nutrition interventions, indirect and multi-sectoral interventions, and building technical and managerial capacities for nutrition)
(b) outline and draft content of the inter-sectoral nutrition strategy, the objectives, indicators, modalities of implementation, monitoring and evaluation framework, responsible departments and authorities, indicators and required resources
(c) on a ‘model intervention package’ for implementation & criteria for implementation
5) Finalize the strategy, operational plan and intervention package, incorporating the contributions and comments of FATA provided through the consultative workshops/meetings and submit to the respective authorities and facilitate its endorsement through FATA administration.
6) Prepare the presentations of the nutrition policy guidance notes, multisector strategy and operational plan, support and facilitate donor and stakeholder meetings, prepare donor proposals and a FATA specific SUN Road Map as desired.
7) Prepare final report presenting recommendations and way forward and perform any unforeseen additional tasks required to meet the objective of the consultancy.
1. − Detailed workplan and timeline of activities developed, desk review of available documents, surveys, policies and strategies completed,
− Draft workplan and report (Minimum 10 working days over one month period).
2. − Formulation and notification of high level steering committee, Technical Working Groups and Sectoral Working groups by competent Authorities
− Minutes of various meetings conducted (Minimum 10 working days over one month period).
3. − Nutrition policy guidance notes for FATA developed and endorsed by the steering committee (Minimum 10 working days over one month period)
4. − Draft strategy document finalized through a consultative process with sectoral working groups and technical working group at the PDD level (Minimum 40 working days over four months period)
− Minutes (endorsed) of meetings conducted with various sectoral and technical working groups.
5. − Final version of the strategy vetted by the TWG and ready for endorsement of the Steering committee
− Minutes (endorsed) of all meetings/workshops (Minimum 20 working days over two months period)
6. − Copy of the endorsed strategy/ dissemination
− Minutes of meetings/ workshops conducted/ facilitated
− Draft of SUN road map (Minimum 10 working days over one month period).
7. − Final report of the consultancy (Minimum 10 working days over one month period).
Qualifications or Specialized Knowledge/Experience Required
Advance degree preferably PhD in Nutrition, Public Health Nutrition or related field.
Nationally well recognized consultants/institutions having proven track record of nutrition policies, strategies and plans development.
At least 15 years of experience in nutrition/public health related and inter-sectoral nutrition planning, policy and advisory services with inter-sectoral approaches preferably in the field of nutrition, food security and health.
Familiarity with the FATA government and context especially at the secretariat level is highly essential.
Highly developed writing skills, ability to look at minute details and write precisely and concisely.
Estimated Duration of Contract
Start date: November 1, 2015
End date: September 30, 2016
Official Travel Involved
No travel involved. All travel and boarding/lodging of the consultant will be responsibility of the consultant.

[1] Food Security in Pakistan -2013, study conducted by WFP and SDPI.
[2] National Nutritional Survey 2011

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